Our first activity in this first 3 months school is to make a kawung. kawung is a type of Indonesia's Batik. It's not too easy to make the kawung drawing because if you did just a little mess up, you'll screw everything. So you have to be careful.

          This is my kawung. i know there's a little mess up. As i told you it's not too easy hehe c:

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In this new semester, we've just learned about paint. Mr.Dick told us to explore the Microsoft Paint Program. He also told us to make our creations/drawings in paint.There are 4 drawings that Mr.Dick told us to make.

The first one, he told us to use any shapes we want and fill it with black & white colors.

The second one, we have to use any shapes and the shapes has to be not connected with each other and then we have to make lines and fill it with any colors you want & white.

The third one, we have to make our names in fill it with any shapes or drawings. Here's mine :D

and the last one is the quilt design. we have to make a quilt design.

that is the best i can do haha ._.v
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Brown Rainbow Over Clouds